Sarah's new look: short blonde hair! |
 Sarah and a whole bunch of her guitars. |
 Sarah in front of -- and correct me if I'm totally wrong -- the house in the Good Enough video. |
 Sarah playing her guitar. An up close shot. |
 A picture taken at one of Sarah's summer concerts in 1994. |
 Origins unknown, this photo is pretty good, although it looks like it was taken on the fly. |
 This one is really freaky. For some reason, it reminds me of something Ash Sood would set up. |
 Sarah with some of the station staff at 96.3 The Planet's Holiday Hootnenanny (one of the Christmas radio shows she did this past XMas.) |
Paintings Of Sarah from Gregg C. Wagener
Photoshop Artwork by Bryan Mantei <bmantei@usa.net>

Jennifer Jeffery has a beautiful set of Sarah concert pictures at this location. I think she's a professional photographer, and she's taken pictures of many, many bands (check them out).
Chad Worthman also has a few pictures from Toronto Lilith Fair 1999 on his site.