Posted to Fumbling-Towards-Ecstasy April 20, 1997
Written by Rachel Kramer Bussel <>
Reprinted by permission -- thanks Rachel!
Hi everyone...
today the infamous NYC F-TogEther, in the grand tradition, with a total of four FTE attendees, as well as Michael Abram's wife Dorothy and son, Sam. The other people there were Marcos Velez, of PUATG fame, and Peter Scholl of Germany, and a great time was had by all.
I was running late, or so I thought, but Michael's house was really quick from the subway, so I arrived at the appointed hour of 3:00 with many vegetables and some dip, and I got there and we (me, Michael, and Peter) started to chow down, which was a constant theme of the day, perhaps more so than Sarah. So we ate, and talked, and then eventually meandered into Michael's living room where I devoured the Chatelaine Sarah issue and we saw Michael's signed copy of Trouser Press and listened to Vartinna (sp?), this band from ??? (Michael help me out here), this band from another country who were playing tonight and who Michael and Peter went to see. Then we ventured over to the computer and read Marcos's pleading email asking for directions, then looked at Michael's Brooklyn Telephone Theater web site ( and listened to the intro to his tape, and it was quite funny, even on my second hearing. I of course then had to show off my Mary Lou Lord web site, then we listened to some Sarah stuff, and watched parts of Freedom Sessions and discussed Sarah's hair. Then we went back in the kitchen for more food, and throughout this time I'd been expressing concern about Marcos, and it was about 6 or so, and Michael's son Sam came in and asked where everyone else was, and we said SOME people (Nitin, Kenn, Jacob...(jk)) had better things to do than come to our little gathering, and then all of a sudden the doorbell rang and it was Marcos, full of apologies and pizza and PUATG CDs. He has this really cool little pizza maker and you put the dough in for about 7 minutes and then add the toppings and another few minutes and it's done. So we then looked at a Murmurs magazine, and I forgot, we downloaded the Delerium Sarah clip and it was cool. We discussed the difficulty of finding other Sarah fans in Germany and the poor quality of large arena shows. Oh, I had some of Marcos's pizza and it was really good, especially the dough, which Marcos claims one can buy for only 60 cents at Grand Union. What else? Well, then it was really time to leave b/c Michael did NOT want to be late to St. Ann's, the church where Vartina were playing, so we hurriedly said goodbye and gave fumblehugs.
OOPS...I forgot the most important part of the day, where I stuffed the obligatory money down Marcos's pants. And YES there are pictures, probably like 12 of them. And we found the Boston and Bay Area photos on the Web where this was done - nice job! OK, I'm sure I've forgotten other things, but that's the basics, I think. OH, Michael thank you for taping Murmurs 2 for me, tis much appreciated.
later, y'all