[the sea of waking dreams]

Vancouver Lilith Fair 1999 F-Together

by Andrea Butler (lenina@vegasnet.net)

[See pictures from this event]

Fumblers present:

Wednesday July 7th

Doug R. (McPhile)
April Kam
Kelly Gordon
Hanson Ho
And me, Andrea Butler

Thursday July 8th

Doug R. (McPhile)
Kelly Gordon
Hanson Ho
And me again :-)

The first words to pop in my head when trying to describe the Vancouver Lilith would be WOW, OH WOW!! And just to make you all *really* jealous of us Van. Fumblers; **front row, baby!!**


So, I'll get on with it. I flew in really early Wednesday morning, and got about 3 hours of sleep before we headed off for Nettwerk at about 9:00. It was a sight to behold; we (let me give you a little run down of who was there; April aka Spaz, Doug, Lizza, Kelly, and myself) walked into the Nettwerk building like kids in a candy store. Our presence was announced (ever so slyly) with "The Fumblers are here." We felt special :-)! After milling around in the Werkshop for a while, we decided to whip out the credit cards, and get to shoppin'. I spent a weak $40, I was ashamed to find that I had nearly everything being sold :-). I think Lizza spent the most at nearly a whopping $200 :-)! So, after our little shopping spree, we headed for breakfast at Denny's; Yea. Let me interject at this time and tell you that it was pouring down rain. We were beginning to wonder whether or not we would stay dry for Lilith. So, we did cool tourist-y stuff for the remainder of the afternoon. We also drove by Sarah's house a few times :-). I think crept would be a more fitting word to use there ;-). We then decided to head to an IMAX movie ("Extreme" if anyone cares) and while we were waiting in line to get in, what do we hear but "Fear". We took this as a sign from the Goddess :-).

Then we headed to dinner where we met up with Hanson, and April and I adopted a camel. Well, a little orange plastic camel :-). By this time both April and I had had our fair share of coffee (A Starbucks on every corner is a *good* thing), and we were so lovingly given official Fumbler names of Spaz and Tweak by Doug. It fit quite well :-). After dinner we headed for the beach, stood around, wrote "Fumblers" in the sand, and took a group photo :-). And then we all passed out from exhaustion :-)!

Thursday morning:

April picks a car load of us Fumblers up at about 7:30 am to stake our place in line. We get there at about 8:00 with just a few people in front of us. Let me breeze through this part because it was not very eventful: breakfast/coffee run, can't find K.C. anywhere, possible Sarah soundcheck, Hackey Sack hitting numerous Fumblers in the head, Spaz and Tweak kick in, various "South Park" quotes, and a partridge in a pear tree :-). So the begin to move us into the little cattle row type deals, and we move ahead to the front :-)! We take no prisoners. Another 3 hours of sitting. . . And finally we hear from K.C.!! After a big fat 10 hour flight delay, and lost luggage, she finds us. With the amount she has been talked about, the other people standing in line immediately recognize her, and join in when we shout "K.C.!!". It was a sight to behold :-). Oh. a little tip care of K.C. "NEVER FLY AMERICA WEST!!" She also announced this to the hundreds of people standing in line :-). With her was Jared. . . I'll do another head count for your enjoyment: April, Doug, Hanson, Den-e, Miles and a friend whose name escapes me, Kelly, Lizza, K.C.. Jared, and myself. I think I may have left someone out. We come up with a game plan, the small Fumblers will run like the wind to get up front when the gate open, and the slower one will walk in with all the small one's bags. I must admit, this worked quite well.


With our front row centre spot, we make friend with those surrounding us. An interesting group of 4 girls who seemed to show interest in becoming a famous "Fumbler". Once again, we felt special :-). I'll start my actual review now :-):

Village Stage:

I caught the first few songs from the TBA chick; I can't remember her name. I didn't catch anyone else on the village stage, though. I was really looking forward to seeing Maren Ord :-(. I did bump into Cathy B. at the Nettwerk tent while I was strolling the Village with K.C. and Jared. I think I may have scared her :-). I didn't see Jennifer Gray, the Murmurs coordinator, though. We met her the day before at Nettwerk, and I'll let April rant on that one :-). **Someone's bitter ;-)**

Second stage:

I watched Sixpence from a distance, they really had the teenyboppers a-runnin' when they started playing "Kiss Me". Doug and I sat back and watched them fly :-). I did walk up to see Beth Orton, and she was great. She had on this huge red cowboy hat. I sense a pattern :-). K.C. and I had quite a time ridiculing this half naked chick dancing in front of us :-). By the time Bif came around, we were to jam-packed to move, so we just listened. She got a hell of a lot of energy :-)!

Main Stage:

Well, Luscious kicked ass! They were a really great way to kick off the main stage. I have to go pick up the new album now. Mya and Deborah Cox were... new. I wasn't quite prepared for the experience. They did really pump up the crowd, but it's not my thing at all. Did anyone else really enjoy Mya's little tap dance routine ;-)? It moved me to tears ;-).

Sheryl Crow was amazing as usual. Kelly and I really got into it :-). Let me just say; woman is ripped! Wow, I want her abs :-).

Sarah gets her own little section :-):

Oh, wow, the pants. She commented a few times on the "Elvis pants"; I felt quite at home; little pieces of Vegas all around me :-). If memory serves me right she played (in order) Possession, Black and White, Hold On, Adia (to which we cracked the glowsticks), Ice Cream, IWRY, BAM, Sweet Surrender, with an encore of a beautiful rendition of Angel. To me it seemed that she was genuinely happy to be performing again. And just to let you know, she did notice us Fumblers. I've got a photo of her beaming in our direction, and it was taken at about Ice Cream. Did anyone else notice Ash and Sarah's outfits sort of coordinated? He had on this blue rhinestone studded shirt. It was a western theme night :-). All in all, Sarah was amazing as usual. She's going out with a bang.

And in closing I will transcribe a few of the phrases uttered during my trip:

Sarah or Ash?
People means pee!
Happy couples
Never fly America West!
Rex is actually a deadly attack robot dog designed by Nettwerk as a cute little decoy!
Come on, Sarah or Ash?
Death to Terry McBride!
Death to Jenn Gray!
Tara grabbed my boob.
Yeah, well; she *kissed* me!
Honestly, Sarah or Ash?
Spaz and Tweak
You can answer it, Sarah or Ash?
We saw someone shooting up outside our hotel room
Tweak and Spaz
Chemical sticks; Yum!
Oh, wow; we're in Nettwerk
So, we're in Vancouver, eh?
Damn you, Sarah or Ash?!?

To all the Fumblers I had the pleasure of meeting; I love you guys! You all helped to make this the best 2 days of my life :-)!

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