
The Big post-Toronto post from the Moevenpick Marche

(posted to FTE on August 23, 1999)

Ok, We are in Marche. Yikes. And I do mean *everyone*.

Here come the reports...
(um, ok...PRINCE!!!! 8-})

ok, hi everyone!!  This is Yu Ting....i didn't want to be first to 
post but looks like i am :) Just back from my last LF, I guess until 
whenever Sarah shows up again...so I'm a little sad :( But had a GREAT 
time these past 2 nights  :) Adios!

Jess :D ----- hello peoples in fumblerland!!!!  we had an awesome time 
tonight.  hope everyone going to upcoming liliths will have as much of 
a blast as we did!!!!
Mari sez:  Yay!!!! I get to type cause everyone else is too busy
Ummm, can I say "Yay!!"  okay:  "Yay!!!" This weekend has been so 
wonderful, from start until ... NOW (I can't think of this finishing - 
y'all are just too wonderful.  I want us to last forever.  Lilith Rules 
:-).   Everybody come live in Toronto okay?  I'm gonna miss you when 
this is over.  :-(    Love,  Mari

Calli - Amazing. The Rumble was amazing Fumblers are amazing.  I 
love you people.  I'm too tired to be intelligent right now, but 
everyone else is shoveling food into their mouths so I guess it's my 
turn to say something.  Rannie just distracted me, so now I've 
forgotten what I was gonna say.  That's probably a good thing.  Attila 
wants me to make sure I mention his 15-incher.  Whooooo Baby! Let's 
just say you had to be there.  I think Mari said it best YAY!  And 
I think everyone should come live in Toronto too.  This place rocks!  
For someone with nothing to say, I sure use a lot of words, don't I?  
I loved meeting everybody.  You're all just the best, and you give 
great hugs. I'm going to stop babbling now.  Really.  I swear.  
Fumblehugs and love  Calli 

Mead:  Well, I suppose that I should take my turn. :) I'm not quite a 
fumbler, so excuse the interruption?  I have to say that this is an 
absolutely fantastic group of people and I'm so happy that I had the 
chance to meet and greet with the folks that Calli told me all about.  
I have to say that this trip will definitely go down in the books as 
one of my favorite vacations.  Love ya'll...Mead

Ryan - I'm speechless :)  Well, what can I say?  I guess I can start 
with Friday. . .awesome, everyone there rocked and Tara was in top 
form for not having performed for quite awhile. . Chelle, Trish, Jess, 
and Emm. . .all were just goddesses that night.  Now, onto Lilith. . .
Attila with his 15 incher was the story. . .his *ahem* glowstick led 
the way for all the fumblers after the show.  K's choice was superb 
on the first day, really blew me away with their performance.  Then 
onto Marche's where we just chilled until the wee hours just being 
fumblers.  Toronto's Wonderland. . .except for Gemma. . .well, I 
guess I'll let her explain later.  
Now, Sunday. . .I think everyone else has already mentioned it. . 
The Artist :) And the fact that Sarah mentioned us tonight. . .I can't 
say enough.  I'll get off now and let Andrea post now :) Ryan

Andrea...first off- oh, wait brb, I owe Rannie a birthday drink...brb!  
...okay...Rannie is now enjoying sex on the beach, my job is done 
there, back to the post.  (Ryan says "Hi, Lois!", so do I).  I don't 
know how I'll be looking back at this weekend, everything's very 
surreal...one thing's for sure:  you Fumblers are freaks...some 
freakier than others...I still think it's unbelievable that so many 
different people from all over the planet came to Toronto for this 
weekend.  Okay, hugs and goodbyes just started happening, and this is 
offically getting depressing and to think, it was only a few hours ago 
when Sarah said "You must be the Fumblers..." (or something along the 
lines of that).  Anywyas, I should hand this baby over to someone else, 
I can't think of anything else, see y'all in ver. 2.0!  ---Andy!

Emily: Well. This is hard, because I probably do not have much to say 
that isn't already or won't be repeated by everyone else. All I can 
say, I guess, is that the rumble on Friday was just amazing, the 
Lilith Fairs here (as well as my Chicago Lilith on Thursday) were 
frickin' AWESOME, I am even more in love with Sarah's music than I 
was before, she is just the cutest thing ["Could you be fumblers?"], 
and you all are just beautiful people. I hope that all of you I've met 
this weekend keep in touch, and that someday, I will be able to meet 
all those of you who weren't able to make it to this rumble. 
Guys, it's been a great weekend. 

4 days...3 liliths...2 countires...WOO! Well all I can say is wow! 
I love fumblers :) I must have walked the entire length of toronto and 
I have the blisters to prove it!  anyhoo I'm sure I'll post a more 
detailed report of the past few days when I'm home and rested (and 
after eudora downloads the 1000 messages that undoubtedly waits for 
my presence). The sad thing is the first thing I'm going to do when 
I get home is drop off my film to be developed...expect scans by the 
weekend! Anyhoo...it was great and I just want to thank rannie and 
everyone else that made this love in possible. Bye!

Monday: Big thanks to Rannie for bringing up "close your eyes while 
looking at the mirrorball" thingie!!  Now I'm an official "multi" 
Lilithfumbler.  WHOO HOO! :)  Gotta admit - Ill be glad to be in the 
States.  Non-functioning bank cards suck.  Now I'm off to harass 
another fumbler - watch out you ;)*grin*.

Marnie-Quote of the weekend: "Would you be fumblers by any chance? 
(screams) well, hi then. " *grin*  dont have much to say-now theres a 
first! This was my first real  rumble and I have had an awesome 
weekend! I guess its time for a brief sabbatical,  but I really think 
that whats-her-name sarah? Deserves a break.  Hey, what can I say, she 
noticed us. Cool. To mary, and heidi and heather, and shannon and aly 
and rannie and michelle and kris, and gemma and greg stooner and kevan 
and lois and oh gawd, there are a lot of us arent there? well, thanks 
for a great weekend and keep in touch.  All hail the great godess of 
the swan song - see y'all at the next rumbler, maybe by that time Ms 
thang will need fumbler babysitters, eh kids? peace, love, happiness 
to you all. :) marnie aka mardia aackkk andrea is taking over she is 
the devilspawn!!!!!

Lauren: Well, I'll make this short and sweet cuz I think I'm missing 
some crazy limbo fun outside. Yeehah! Fumblers rule, Sarah rules, 
everyone that played this weekend did too. It could be a while until 
we do this again, but when we do it'll be just as amazing and even 
bigger! (If that's possible.) See ya guys soon. Keep waving those 
glowsticks meanwhile!

Britta: What can I say...It was probably the most incredibly wonderful 
weekend of the year/my life?? Rannie made it special, Lilith made it 
perfect!!!! I'm so glad I made it here, and I'll never ever forget it. 
It was my first Lilith, my first Sarah concert...and I hope it was not 
the laat. We'll find an excuse to meet again, though  I'm sure of 

Jenni & Dan: We have no idea where to even begin. This weekend has 
surpassed our wildest expectations.
Friday night was so much fun! There were tushie smackings galore! 
(Rannie looks hot in his "plastic" pants!) Lilith was amazing. I'm 
continually amazed every time I see Sarah. Someday I hope to get the 
chance to tell her how she began the path that my life has begun to 
follow. We wish everyone could have made it this weekend. It was a 
blast! Next time, we'll make sure it's a Rumble with everyone!!!

Jonathon Stooner - What can I say? This has been the most PHEONOMINAL 
weekend for me! A long way from home, and having the time of my life!!!! 
I'll go more in depth later, but I gotta get home first! Wish you all
were here!!

Greg (from Houston):  This has got to be one of the best FumbleRumbles 
ever - even rivaling Vancouver '97.  It's been three days of peace, 
love, and music.  Mostly music.  But what makes these things special 
is the Fumblers.  After the big party on Friday, Lilith itself was 
mere icing on the cake.  I love you guys (more to come when I finally 
get back home).

Matt (from Delaware)  Blue.  Bluer.  Bluest.  Painted Toenails - fake 
breasts - flashing Sarah - and `a whole lotta fumble love.  That 
basically sums up my last best Lilith.  Thanks so much to Rannie and 
everyone else who contributed to this monumental event.  Everyone, I 
love you all - weep not for the memories.

<<erica chow>>  ahh, laptop typing is a little hard to get used to :) .  
wow, this has been such an amazing weekened, and I'm constantly amazed 
at how awesome everyone is.   thanks to all of you, especially Rannie 
and his wonderfully sparkly blue hair for setting this up!  

KT (the tall one) so was this fumblestock 99, you ask? Not really.. 
I'd tell you all about it but the low battery warning just flashed... 
eeep oop buzz... more later from moi fumblelove & kiss kiss

Alison here!  Wow!  Toronto ROCKS!  Rannie is SO da man!!  We finally 
got some recognition from Sarah and I met some of the coolest Fumblas 
EVER!  I got my tushie smacked by the Tushie-smackin' queen herself, 
and I wore my LEATHER PANTS!  Woohoo!  Lilith Forever, baby!!  Xoxoxoxo

-Attila- hi everyone tonight was awesome and so was the whole week met 
lots of cool people new and old I'm sad it's over but I'm so glad I 
made it to Toronto more later...

Hi, Gemma here! I had a great time, love everyone, will write more 
when I return to the UK next week sometime.

Paul - wow, this is sooooooo cool. Fumblers rock my world; sneak me down 
anytime. Big *hugs* to eveyone. C'est What was amazing; I couldn't stop 
smiling. Man, I am gonna miss you guys like crazy. Sarah rocks. Sheryl 
rocks. Emm rocks. And that was just today. (-:

shannon & chelle here... hmmm... what can we say... one word... 
have to say for now or else we'll start crying. *fumblehugs & love for 
all* p.s. you all fuckin rock my world forever... I couldn't have asked 
for a better crowd for my first performance... the fumblers will always 
have a special place in my heart! =) PEACE! =)

Rannie:Apparently I am the last one to add to this post, I dunno where 
to begin, the weekend have been even more better than I could ever 
imagine. 3 days of fumblers and music and memories. I wanna thank 
everyone for coming and making this one of the most memorable weekends 
ever. I wanna thank everyone who helped out on Friday to make the 
prelilith bash a HUGE success. FYI: The fumblers donated 840 dollars to The Breast Cancer 
Fund. I have so much to say about this bunch of people and this week 
that words can not express. I love you guys, Thanks for the Memories 

"We Came, We Saw, We Fumbled"

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