[the sea of waking dreams]

toronto lilith fair, august 15-16, 1998

Photos from Sunday, August 16 (Lilith Fair, Photos Part 2)

Paula Cole with her band.

Natalie Merchant

Natalie again. She rocks my world.

One of my better photographs of Natalie. Wow.

A very nice picture of Natalie on the swing.

This one's even better How can I describe Natalie's presence... comforting, I guess. Even with the distance between artist and audience, I feel Natalie's performance to be very soothing and reassuring.

This is the best photo I have, of Sarah and Natalie together. They look so ... happy.

Another nice picture of Sarah and Natalie singing together.
photos 1 / photos 2 / photos 3 / photos 4

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