 the mailing list - resources
- AOL Instant Messenger
- This little program allows non-AOL members to chat with AOL members, much as if you were on each others' buddy lists (I believe that's the correct AOL terminology). The software is now available for Macs as well as Windows machines, and a few Unix versions are available, both for Java and TCL/TK
You can get a list of Fumblers using AIM here. It's maintained by Jonathan Stooner (stooner@geocities.com)
- Birthday Project
- It is a yearly tradition to do something for Sarah's birthday, which is January 28th. The "Fumbler Birthday Project" began in 1996, and for that year and 1997, we collected submissions (artwork, poetry, letters) from Fumblers and sent them to Sarah, care of her manager. Beginning in 1998, we decided that it would be better if we collected money and donated it to a worthy charity in Sarah's name. So far, we've donated to Habitats for Humanity. In 1998 we donated $1378 to HfH, and last year and this year we donated approximately $400 to them. Thanks to all the Fumblers that have made this yearly tradition a success!
- Will has put together an excellent FAQ about Sarah and the Fumbling-Towards-Ecstasy mailing list. It incorporates most of the information from the old, defunct FAQ (that used to be maintained by Nettwerk) and he has done a superb job in compiling it. Click here to see it.
- FTE Homepage
- There is now an official homepage for fumbling-towards-ecstasy. You can find it at www.fumblers.org/fte/.
- FumbleCodes
- Curious about that gibberish you see in people's signatures? Want to make your own? Go here.
- fumblers.[org|com|net] e-mail addresses
- Click here to find out how to get your own fumblers.[org|net|com] e-mail address.
- FumbleRumbles
- All you ever wanted to know about FumbleRumbles (aka F-TogEthers, FumbleTogethers, etc.)
- Fumbler Dream Page
- Are you a Fumbler? Do you want to share your dreams with other Fumblers? Visit the Fumbler Dream Page to see other Fumblers' dreams and to submit your own - Sarah related or not.
- This popular buddy messaging software is similar to Instant Messenger but has more features. Fu Shuan Luong maintains a ICQ Group for fumblers who are on ICQ. (My UIN is 1326831 -- feel free to ask me for authorization and mention that you found me here!)
- Does anyone know where the #fumblers channel went on NewNet? E-mail me if you can help me out or point me to the new location.
- Keirsey Temperment Sorter Results
- A survey of fumblers indicated that many of us are INFJ's - Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging. To take the test yourself, point your browser to www.keirsey.com. Me? I'm an ESTJ.
- Registry
- An attempt to create a database of Fumblers geographically, with frequently used contact info (ICQ #, IM name, etc.). Go there!
- Related Lists
- There are a number of FTE spinoffs, due to the regional nature of Fumblers. Currently, I am aware of SF Fumblers, Fumblers-South-of-SF, Midwest Fumblers, the SouthSide Fumblers and Aussie Fumblers. The Toronto Fumblers and East Coast Fumblers (efumblas) lists are now defunct due to the shutdown of Listbot, but partial archives from Toronto Fumblers can be found here.
- SETI@Home
- Help the Fumblers search for extraterrestrial intelligence by joining our team.
- "Seven" parody
- Jenni has done a hilarious parody of the ad for the movie "Seven" -- only it's about FTE. Click here to see it.
- The Fumblys
- You might need to be a listmember to understand the hilarity of this.
- T-Shirts
- The original FTE t-shirts (FTETees) were designed and printed in the winter of 1996. In 1999 entries were solicited for another revision of the venerable FTE shirt, and the shirts were shipped in time for Lilith Fair that year. Dixon Lee has the designs from the second run of the shirts archived on his website. Finally, a "Dead Fumblers Society" shirt, the content of which derived from a chat room discussion held in 1999, was manufactured in 2000. You can see the design here: back and front.
- Yearbook
- Sara Brooke maintains a Fumbler Yearbook with names, pictures, e-mail addresses, and such of many Fumblers. It's a great way to get to know your fellow listmembers. Check it out!
- yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au
- Before its recent move to smoe.org, FTE resided on a server in Australia. Click here to see what the venerable yoyo looks like.
The Sarah mailing list is located at fte@smoe.org. Please send subscription
requests to majordomo@smoe.org. Put in the body of the message "subscribe fumbling-towards-ecstasy" for the non-digest version, and "subscribe fumbling-towards-ecstasy-digest " for the digest version. The listowners are Dixon Lee (deletion@nolody.com) and Lisa C. (lizza@lizzamayhem.com). If you have subscription problems, please e-mail them directly. I do not run the list and any problem reports I receive will be deleted unread.
Subscribe to FTE now! Just fill in this subscription form.
You may use this form to search the FTE list archives at smoe.org. Note that these results will only comprise those posts made since the switchover from Yoyo to Smoe. If you want to see the (non-searchable) archives from the Yoyo days, follow this link.
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