[the sea of waking dreams]


The Artist (Formerly Known As Prince) made a surprise landing during Sunday's Lilith Fair gig at the Molson Amphitheatre in Toronto. The Purple One showed up to give a little help to Sheryl Crow, according to DAMN correspondent-on-the-spot and ON member, Dan Cornelius.

His Prince-ness and Sarah McLachlan drummer/hubby Ashwin Sood discreetly walked onstage after a cryptic introduction from Crow, and they began to play along to "Every Day Is A Winding Road." The crowd didn't realize exactly who the guest participants were until Prince's mug was flashed onto the stage's big-screen, whereupon they erupted. "When his face was shown on the screens, the crowd went nuts," says Cornelius. "He was totally jamming out, had a bit of a solo, and joined in on the singing."

Later in the set, Dixie Chicks also gave Crow a helping hand, crooning along during one of Sheryl's ballads. Conspiracy theorists and those with a trusty Lilith Fair schedule in their back-pocket may put two-and-two together and figure out that the next Lilith Fair show (tonight) is in, wait for it, Minneapolis, MN, the home of Prince Rogers Nelson, he of the Raspberry Beret. Will the laced-one also appear there? Only those with tickets will know...

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